Meet Jess

I love that I have had the opportunity to progress in my career with the same team of familiar faces.

January 17, 2023

Jess has been at United for Care for just over 2 years now. Initially joining the team as a Support Worker, Jess has demonstrated inspiring leadership in helping others and is now moving into a Practice Leader role. As a Practice Leader, Jess will be training and mentoring a team of Support Workers to deliver ongoing quality care to our participants. Core to the role is to orientate new staff, identify specific training areas and facilitate team building activities.

“I felt proud that the team had noticed my work. I feel seen and appreciated. Moving into the Practice Leader role is very exciting for me as I get to be more involved with the business, but also continue to work alongside my awesome co-workers. I love that I have had the opportunity to progress in my career with the same team of familiar faces.”

Thank you for being part of the team Jess!

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